“White Dwarfs as Probes of the Evolution of Planets, Stars, the Milky Way and the Expanding Universe” is the international program organized by Matthias Schreiber, professor of the Physics Department of the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María and director of the Nucleus Millennium of Planetary Formation (NPF), together with a group of experts from different universities, which hopes to bring together in October 2022, at the prestigious Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP) of the University of California, researchers from around the world to work and develop new ideas around white dwarfs, objects resulting from the last evolutionary stage of stars like the Sun.
“This meeting is a unique opportunity, as it will allow us to work with experts in the field and with exclusive dedication to advance the field of white dwarfs. This is very important, since we will be able to solve diverse problems in astrophysics, such as the generation of magnetic fields, the age of the Milky Way, the future of planetary systems, and even the explosions of supernovae Ia, among others”, emphasizes Schreiber.
This program will start in October and is also led by Boris Gaensicke, from the University of Warwick, Ken Shen, from the University of California, and Silvia Toonen, from the University of Amsterdam. “It is a great recognition that KITP has accepted our project and we are very excited to be able to choose and invite the best experts in the field to work together,” notes Schreiber.
More than 80 experts are expected to gather for a period of six weeks, among them Odette Toloza, postdoctoral researcher at USM and the Millennium Nucleus of Planetary Formation. “This program is unique and very fruitful in terms of scientific collaboration. Unlike a conference where the interaction time with the researchers is very short, the stay at the KITP enhances not only the emergence of an idea, but also allows to develop the work plan and initiate the first calculations of the research in situ”, emphasizes the researcher.
Source: Universidad Santa María