PhD Amelia Bayo is full professor at the Instituto de Física y Astronomía from Universidad de Valparaíso. Her main research interests deal with star formation at both ends of the mass function coupled with the use and development of Virtual Observatory tools. In particular, most of her projects are related to the formation of low mass stars and brown dwarfs. Also, she is interested in the evolution of the disks around solar type stars. In particular she was part of the Herschel Open Time Key Program DUNES that found and characterized quasi Kuiper-belt analogs around nearby solar type stars. And now, she is embarked in an ambitious proyect (with Dr. J. Olofsson, Dr. C. Eiroa, and PhD student D. Iglesias, among others) to detect and characterize newly formed or residual gas around a large sample of debris disks.
Besides, Bayo is interested in trying to better understand the relationship of the disks with their host stars by comparing the time scales of these transitions in solar type stars with those of lower mass stars and brown dwarfs.
From the technical point of view, Amelia Bayo main skills are:
The data reduction and analysis of optical, near- and mid- infrared spectra for a wide range of resolutions.
The use and development of VO-tools conceived to ease the handling of large data-sets and catalogs.
During her career, she had worked at European Space Agency (Madrid, España), Centro de Astrobiología (CAB-INTA, España), Spitzer Science Center (Caltech, Pasadena, US), European Southern Observatory (ESO), L’école Normale Superieure (Lyon, Francia) and Max Planck Institut für Astronomie (Heidelber, Alemania).
Now a days, Amelia Bayo is Millenium Nucleus for Planet Formation principal investigator.